Persephone “Sephie” Friesen

Special Projects Co-ordinator

I grew up on a grain farm just miles from the festival site!

I’ve worked as an RN in Calgary, Alberta and Casper, Wyoming, and played for a couple years in Cerrillos, a village SW of Santa Fe, New Mexico doing everything from managing a small retail shop to running the kitchen of a large organic restaurant. All the while I was on a spiritual search, delving into Native American Shamanism, the New Age movement, Buddhism, and other pagan, earth based religions. I ran across this quote, (and may even have written it!) and it fits, “always searching – at times more amused than inspired, never feeling a sense of finding quite what I was looking for then realizing it was always within……” Having come full circle physically/ geographically, that coming “home”, has been a huge turning point my search and it feels like I have truly settled into mySelf, my Spiritual Self.

I am a creative being who is always working on a handful of projects whether it writing a poem or sewing a wardrobe or a sacred cloak, knitting socks for my girl or a scarf for my mom, putting together a lavish dinner or a simple meal, painting a watercolor scene or a mural on the wall of our restaurant. Everything I take on is done with a sense of the Sacred in mind, with a heightened sense of Passion and connection to Spirit, infused in every aspect of my life and my Being.

I’ve had a love affair with food as long as I can remember, touching, tasting, feeling it, playing with different textures and combinations, reading cookbooks like novels, learning about diverse cultures and traditions through the nurturing and nourishing that happens in the kitchen.

My days are filled with Joy and time is spent creating, dreaming, swimming, healing, walking, and simply Being.

It is a delight to be part of this Goddess Festival!! I’ve been honored with the task of providing food for the organizers, volunteers and presenters and am thrilled to do so!! I have also been asked to create the Festival arm bands that will be issued to everyone, symbolizing our connection to this festival, to each other, to our honoring of this year’s Goddess….. the larger red scarves will be yours to keep and will be worn under the smaller gold and yellow bands – worn for the duration of the Festival and then offered into a group “prayer flag” of sorts, tied together as a team in ceremony and added onto each year. I think it will be quite emotional and empowering for all who chose to be part of that and can imagine the string of bands we’ll be tying into ten years from now, seeing all the little flags I’ve created under guidance of Spirit…. what a glorious thing!!

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