What is a Goddess Festival and what do you do there?

A Goddess Festival can be a space where women and men gather to honour the Feminine Divine Mystery, that creative, sexual, joyful, dark womb heartspace of the universe. If you are a believer in the concept that we all carry parts of the Masculine and the Feminine in varying degrees, this can also be an honouring of the Feminine aspect of the Divine in all of us. At the Manitoba Goddess Festival, we open ourselves to concepts of  the Goddess in all of her aspects — Maiden, Mother, Crone, dark and light and everything in between.

Every Goddess Festival has a slightly different format. For our first year, the Manitoba Goddess Festival features extraordinary speakers on a variety of terrific topics, ceremonies, belly dancing, fire spinning, the Burning Freyja and Freyja Temple, The Aurora Borealis Healer’s Tent and Goddess Spa and the wonderful Hearth Market hosting a variety of funky and fantastic sellers.

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